Podcast #7: A toast to St. Valentine!

Thanks again for listening. In this episode I run my stupid mouth about Valentines Day, a bad date I overheard, Valentines Day haters and how much I enjoy physical affection.


Hola Mr. Martinez, thank you again for coming out with yet another entertaining podcast! I wish I had been a fly on the wall during that Valentine's Day dinner and just seen how the narcissistic punk delivered the line of his brilliant mind thinks that "Pasadena is like Orange County with a brain." That guy... Ya know, it's people like that that I wish I could go to their 25th birthday party, hire a clown to make their favorite ballon animal, and pop it in his face just as his pretentious mouth is about to blow the candles on his stupid cake. Took it too far? Oh well. Anyways, keep 'em comin'!

Whoa... someone made the Hulk mad ;-)

Thanks for listening!

Whoa... someone made the Hulk mad ;-)

Thanks for listening!

Not the hulk... just a fly!


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